Old Mountain Farm Swift Hart +*B (DNA)


DOB 2/25/18

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Swift Elk (85 VVV)
SS: CH CU AT Lil’Red Barn Speedy
SSS:SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B(Premier Sire 2018 ADGA National Show!!!)
SSD: Old Mountain Farm Immediately

SD: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Shy Elk 5*M  (Reserve Grand Champion 2018 ADGA National Show!!! 92 EEEE)

 SDS: SG  Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +* B (Premier Sire 2018 ADGA National Show!!!)
SDD: SG Old Mountain Farm Mila Quinn 1*M

Dam: Old Mountain Farm Gazelle 3*M AR 92 EEEE (Permanent score)
DS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B
DSS: NC Promisedland  Say It Again Sam
DSD: SG Old MountainFarm Oliv a Suddn EEVV 89

DD: AGS  Deldale Fawn 2*M 91 EEEV 91
DDS:AGS Honeysuckle Ridge Dakota
DDD: Denning Hill Michi Kasu VEEV 89

This is what Cheryle Moore-Smith of Old Mountain Farm says about Gazelle….

“Gazelle has the most remarkable personality and is my near ideal Nigerian Dwarf Dairy doe. The picture of elegance and grace with extreme dairy character. Wide flat ribbing with spacing even larger than the width of the ribs themselves. She’s a very feminine “dairy doe” who’s firmly planted on the ground with strong feet and legs, lovely rear leg angulation, wide rump, high thurls and powerful brisket. I can only find one fault with her which is that she turns in at the hocks. I have observed over the years that does with the best rear leg angulation can sometimes tend to turn in at the hocks. Gazelle was our highest linear appraising doe in 2017.”


Rosasharn LL Ciccolato Maccia *B


DOB:  3/23/2021

Short On Heaven LS Lucy’s Lou *B/ Rosasharn AX Katerina 6*M

Sire:  Short On Heaven LS Lucy’s Lou *B  86VVV
SS: Rosasharn CB Lovestruck *+B  V+V
SSS: Rosasharn SH Celtic Ballad ++*B  90VEE
SSD: Rosasharn RS Moonstruck 6*M  *D 87VVVV
SD: SG Short On Heaven Blue Lucy Lou 2*M  3*D 91VEEE
SDS: SG Shekinah Creek Piddlin Blue +B +S
SDD: TX TwinCreeks PH Diva  2*D *M  89VEEV
Dam: Rosasharn AX Katerina  6*M  91EEEE
DS: Rosasharn Al’s Astrix  ++B  89VEE
DSS:   Rosasharn TL Alamand
DSD: Rosasharn WT B-Trix 5*M  89VVVE
DD: Rosasharn TL Kit-Kat  5*M  91EEEE
DDS: ARMCH Rosasharn’s Tiger L ++B  82+AE
DDD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom’s Bit-O-Honey 4*M  86VEV+

Rosasharn Katerina 6*M (LA 91 EEEE) Photo courtesy of Rosasharn Farm



Rosasharn KD Holly’s McIntosh *B

PD 2213827



Sire: Rosasharn LL Kentucky Derby *B
SS: Short On Heaven LS Lucy’s Lou *B 86VVV
SSS:Rosasharn CB Lovestruck *+B
SSD: SG Short On Heaven Lucy Lou 2*M 3*D 91VEEE
SD: Rosasharn CB Pegasus 7*M
SDS:Rosasharn Celtic Ballad++*B 90VEE
SDD:Rosasharn WLK’s Queen Cassiopeia 6*M
Dam: Rosasharn SM Winter Holly 8*M 87+EVV
DS: Rosasharn MS Sea Monster *B 89 VEE
DSS:Rosasharn NP Magic Spell +*B
DSD:SG Rosasharn H B Kujira 4*M 91 EEEE
DD: Rosasharn CB Winter”s Noelle 7*M 90EVVE 
DDS:Rosasharn SH Celtic Ballad ++*B 90VEE
DDD:GCH Rosasharn BB Cape May Warbler 6*M 


Reference Bucks:

Old Mountain Farm Pajama Parti (DNA)

Blue eyes


DOB 3/12/18

Sire:   Old Mountain Farm Tomo Quinn (89 VVV)
SS:  Old Mountain Farm Inlikequinn *B
SSS: SG Old Mountain Farm Cernunnos +*B  89 VEV
SSD: SG  AGS Whitbread Easy Street 2*M  88 VEEV

SD:Old Mountain Farm Tsukiko
SDS: SG  Old Mountain Farm Hakama +*B
SDD: SG NC Promisedland Palita 3*M 90 EEEE

Dam: SG Old Mountain Farm Wild Parti 1*M AR (89 VEEV)
DS:  SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B (Premier Sire 2018 ADGA National Show!!!)
DSS:  SG Old Mountain Farm Stag ++B  VEE 88
DSD: SG NC Promisedland Nemisis 2*M AR 3*D AR

DD:  Old Mountain Farm Parti Favah  (90 VEEE)
DDS: Old Mountain Farm Stag Party *B
DDD: AGS East Rivendell HK Ruby D 1*M (86 VVEV)

Dill’s B&R Ronnie Dunn *B (DNA)


DOB 12/3/14

Sire: SG Dill’s RD Big & Rich ++*B (2016 and 2017 Elite Buck list!!!)
SS:SG NC Promisedland MS River Dance ++ *B
SSS: Promisedland Mean Streak *B
SSD: SGCH Promisedland Macarena 5*M 91VEEE

SD: SGCH Dill’s XM Keena 4*M   92 EEEE (7 times on Elite doe list!)
SDS: Dill’s LD Remember 3*M 86 +E+V                                                                                     

 SDD: Sugarcreek TW Tune’s XM ++*B

Dam:MCH/GCH Dill’s FH Doo Wop  5*D/ *M   87+EVV
DS: Promisedland LD Full House +B *S
DSS: ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck Of The Draw +*S
DSD: Caesar’s Villa GD Zippy 3*D

DD: SG/MCH Promisedland CP Shalom 4*D 90 VEEE
DDS: MCH Caesar’s Villa CBS Cowpoke ++B +*S 
DDD: Promisedland Be-Boppa-Lula 3*D


MCH/GCH Dill’s FH Doo Wop 5 *D/*M

Member of Dill’s ADGA National 4th Place Dairy Herd
Member of 2010 ADGA National 3rd place Best Three Senior Does of 23
2012 Silver Ju Ju Award

ANDDA Reserve All American 4 Year Old

Ellen Dill commented on Dunn’s sire, Dill’s RD Big & Rich *B, “There’s no doubt in my mind that this young man is a cross between two does that are absolutely the BEST to ever walk through this herd. His dam and sire’s dam were two of the first Nigerians to earn their Superior Genetics designations. His dam SGCH Dill’s XM Keena 4*M is the 2013 Reserve National Champion Nigerian Dwarf and is listed on the USDA’s Elite Doe list. His sire’s dam SGCH NC PromisedLand PAL Macarena 5*M was 1st place, 1st udder at two ADGA National shows as a 2 and 4 year old.”

(photo of Doo Wop courtesy of Ellen Dorsey)

Grasse Acres JP Calico *B


DOB 3/24/2020


Sire:  Olson Acres CCC Jackpot *B
SS: Cuatlilredbarn Count Chocula
SSS: Cuatlilredbarn Fizzel
SSD:  GCH Jaspers Harem JB Coco Puff 2*M  90 VVEE

SD: GCH Woodbridge Too Fancy 1*M 90 VEEE
SDS: AGS  GCH Rosasharn UMT Pippin ++*B  86 VVE
SDD: CH Wood Bridge Farm Well Honeybun  90 EVEE

Dam: Rosasharn WS Citrus Sangria  6*M AR
DS: Rosasharn PLW Will Shakespeare *B
DSS:Rosasharn Prince Liteningwelk +*B 89 VEE
DSD: SG Rosasharn SH Sonnet 5*M  91 VEEE

DD: Rosasharn GX Shiraz 5*M 91 EVEE
DDS: AGS Rosasharn’s TL Galaxy ++*B  90 VEE
DDD: Rosasharn SW Sake 4*M

Caprakoza LLGD Plenty Of Gem *B (DNA)


Blue eyes

DOB 9/30/14

Sire: Caprakoza BT Lapis Lazuli *B*S
SS: Flat Rocks Blue Topaz +B
SSS: Flat Rocks Gem ++B+S
SSD: Five Alarm Prism

SD: GCH Flat Rocks Voodoo Princess 1*M*D
SDS: Flat Rocks Gem++B+S
SDD: Cajun Voodoo

Dam:  AR Rosasharn BT Good-n-Plenty  5*M 5*DAR
DS: Rosasharn TL Bully Hill +*B
DSS: ARMCH Rosasharn’s Tiger L  ++B++*S
DSD: ARMCH Rosasharn SW Sake 4*M 5*D

DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom’s Bit-O-Honey 4*M 4*D E90.2  (2007 AGS  National Reserve Champion  Doe)(2017 AGS National Top 10-305  &1 Day)
DDS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb ++B++*S (1997 & 2000 AGS National Champion Buck)
DDD: ARMCH SG Rosasahrn’s Buckwheat Honey 3*M 3*D AR  EEEE 91, 2007 AGS National Champion & Best Udder, 2010 ADGA National Rsv. CH 

Goodie’s current owner, Jill from Sinai Thunder, communicated to me that she loved her udder-super easy to milk, wonderful teat length and teat placement, great medial, nice fore &high arch.  She scored an EX in Shoulder Assembly AND rump which is rare for Nigerians as well as E for front legs. She is a very feminine doe.

All photos below courtesy of Jill at Sinai Thunder.

Gem’s sire, Caprakoza Lapis Lazuli *B *S is also the sire of AR Caprakoza Surprised By Joy 7*M7*D AR  (EEEE 91) who is the dam of Sinai Thunder Maple Joy…both powerhouse milkers with Top 10 records.

Gem is also the sire of two of my top milkers, SG Grasse Acres POG Coral 2*M AR and Grasse Acres POG Summer Storm 5*M 5*D AR


Castle Rock Helios (DNA)


DOB: 5/21/16

Sire:  Castle Rock Triumph +*B*S
SS: SG Fairlea Barnaby Rudge +*B
SSS Grandsire: Rosahsharn’s Julius ++B
SSD: Fairlea Gretchen 2*M

SD: GCH CRF Castle Rock Tesla 2*M 5*D (89 VEE)
SDS: Woodhaven Farm Latino *S
SDD: SG/ Lost Valley TB Infinity 1*M

Dam:CH Castle Rock Helen Of Troy   4*M (90 VEVE)
DS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon ++*B*S
DSS: Rosasharn TL Sitka Spruce ++B+*S
DSD: SGCH-MCH  Castle Rock Once Ina Blue Moon 1*M 2*D(86 VVEV)

DD: GCH Castle Rock Siren Song  3*M  3*D (90 VEEE)
DDS: Dragonfly Odyseuss
DDD: ARMCH Castle Rock Sky Lupine 2*M2*D

Sarah (Castle Rock owner/breeder) says about Helen…”Another daughter of Harvey with smoothness of blending, a level topline, and angularity. She has short strong pasterns and depth of heel, straight front legs, a wide, flat rump and good brisquet extension. During our 2012 Linear Appraisal, she got very strong scores in dairyness, rump angle, foreudder attachment, and rear udder height. She has very soft udder texture, and even though her teats could be larger, her orifices are very open, and she milks down really well.”

Dill’s XM Lonestar *B ‘E90’


DOB 8/6/10
Reference buck

Lonestar’s full sister is… *SGCH/MCH Dill’s XM Keena 4*M EEEE FS’92’    
2013 ADGA Reserve National Champion 

7 times on the Elite Doe list!!!

Sire:  Sugar Creek TW Tune’s XM ++*B *S
SS: Sugarcreek NT Tight Wad *B
SSS:  Sugar Creek MT Sally’s Nate +*B
SSD:  SG Sugar Creeks MP Penny Pincher  1*M (90 VEEE)

SD: 1*M ARMCH/GCH Sugar Creeks PT Show Tunes 2*D ‘E’
SDS: Sugar Creek MT Pantomine
SDD: Ponders End Country Tunes

Dam: 3*M SG Dill’s LD Remember  3*D
DS: ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of The Draw +*S ‘E’
DSS:  AGS HBF Luckey Strike
DSD: AGS Raha Acres Twink’s Pixie

DD: 2*M Gay-Mor’s LR Kitty’s Meow 2*D
DDS: Piddlin Acres Lies & Rumors
DDD: Gay-Mor’s RA Kitty 1*M

Olson Acres CCC Jackpot *B (DNA)


DOB: 4/30/2016
 Moonspots and blue eyes

Reference buck

Sire:  CUatlilredbarn Count Chocula
SS: CU At Lil’ Red Barn Fizzel
SSS: Sugarcreek Wager On Me ++B
SSD: SG Old Mountain Farm Mizzen (90 VEEE)

SD: GCH Jasper’s Harem JB Coco Puff 2*M*D 90VVEE
SDS: Many Tracks All That Jazz +B
SDD: Old Mountain Farm Sea Breeze 1*M *D (88VEEV)

Dam: GCH/ARMCH/PGCH  Wood Bridge Too Fancy 1*M  *D ( VEEE 90) 6X GCH, 5x Best Udder
DS: GCH Rosasharn UMT Pippin ++*B (86 VVE)
DSS:  SG Rosasharn’s Under My Thumb ++*B
DSD: ARMCH  Rosasharn TL Arwen 2*M 8*D (90 VEEE)

DD: CH Wood Bridge Farm Well Honeybun (90 EVEE)
DDS: Buttin Heads Sonic Hero
DDD: CH Sugar Creek PT Ring Neck Dove

Grasse Acres SH True Hart (DNA)


DOB: 5/10/19

Reference buck

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Swift Hart (DNA)
SS: Old Mountain Farm Swift Elk
SSS: CH CU AT LIL’ RED Barn Speedy  (DNA)
SSD: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Shy Elk (DNA) LA 92 EEEE

SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Gazelle 3*M AR  LA 92 EEEE
SDS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B
SDD: AGS Deldale 2*M

Dam:  SG Grasse Acres POG Coral (2*M 2*D)
DS: Caprakoza LLGD Plenty Of Gem *B
DSS: Caprakoza BT Lapis Lazuli *B
DSD: Rosasharn BH Good-N-Plenty 6*M 6*D AR

DD: Grasse Acres Jamaican Breeze 1*M*D AR
DDS: Rosasharn SP Jamaica +*B
DDD: AGS Happy Tailz BB Painted Lady


Grasse Acres SH Fibonacci

Reference buck

  • I had an opportunity to use this handsome fellow  before he left for his new home this year .  I love both dam and sire and felt this just could be a perfect match.  He was paired with one of my new  favorite does (SG Grasse Acres POG Coral 2*M 2*D) which is one of my highly anticipated kiddings in March.  

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Swift Hart (DNA)
SS: Old Mountain Farm Swift Elk
SSS: CH CU AT LIL’ RED Barn Speedy  (DNA)
SSD: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Shy Elk (DNA) LA 92 EEEE

SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Gazelle 3*M AR  LA 92 EEEE
SDS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B
SDD: AGS Deldale 2*M

Dam:  SG Dill’s TS Double Bourbon On Ice 3*M AR
DS: Dill’s D Two-Step ++*B  (DNA)
DSS: AGS Dill’s LD Derringer ++B
DSD: SGCH NC Promisedland PAL Macarena 5*M AR

DD: SGCH NC Promisedland RB Moonshine 2*M AR
DDS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B AR
DDD: SGCH AGS Promisedland Good Day Sunshine 1*M AR

Kaapio Acres Legacy


2015 LA VEE 87


Sire: Rosasharn HR Chewbacca *B; *S
G. Sire: Rosasharn TF Honey Bear *S
S. Grandsire: Rosasharn’s Tom Fulery *S
S. Granddam: ARMCH Rosasharn’s Buckwheat Honey 3*D; 91 EEEE

G.Dam: ARMCH Rosasharn’s TL Arwen 8*D; 2*M 90 VEEE
D.Grandsire: ARMCH Rosasharn’s Tiger L ++B; *SE’
D.Granddam: ARMCH Rosasharn’s Elfin 7 *D; 1*M

Dam: Kaapio Acres SG Thyme
G.Sire: PGCH/CH Brush Creek Smokin Gun
S. Grandsire: Caesar’s Villa FD Sugar Foot 86 V+E
S. Granddam: Jeanne’s Jewel Opal

G.Dam: PGCH Kaapio Acre’s KK Sage
D. Grandsire: MCH Rosaharn Tom’s Keiki Kane
D. Granddam: CH/MCH/PGCH Gay-Mor B Lacewing’ Parsley (2007 NDGA National Grand Champion Sr. Doe)

Dam’s Udder

Kaapio Acres Rip Tide +B

DOB 3/14/09

2015 LA VEE 88

Sire: CH Kaapio Acres SB Tital Wave (2011 ANDDA All American3-5 Yr.Old Sr. Buck)
G. Sire: Kaapio Acres Silver Bullet
S. Grandsire: CH/PGCH Brush Creek Smokin Gun
S. Granddam:CH/MCH/PGCH Kaapio Acres Red’s Scarlet

G. Dam: Kaapio Acres BT Tsunami
D. Grandsire: Piddlin Acres Blue Thunder
D. Granddam: Stonewell’s Lady Bug

Dam: CH Kaapio Acres Bambi 91 EEEE
G. Sire:CH/MCH Kaapio Acres Hot Habanero
S. Grandsire: Woodhaven Farms Bently Hotwing
S. Granddam:CH/MCH/PGCH Gay-Mor B Lacewing’s Parsley (2007 NDGA National Grand Champion Sr. Doe)

G. Dam:GCH Little Tot’s Estate Bambusa 1*M
D. Grandsire: Woodhaven Farms Divine Appt.
D. Granddam: Woodhaven Farms AFRA”s Angel


Thanks to Fairland Farm for permission to use this photo of Bambi

* Rip Tide’s dam’s (Kaapio Acres Bambi) Show Record

2nd Place/2nd place udder 5-6 Year old – 2013 ADGA Nationals

4th place 5-6 year old – 2014 ADGA Nationals

Best of Breed – x7
Grand Champion Senior Doe (ADGA) – x10
Reserve Champion senior Doe (ADGA)- x3
Grand Champion Sr Doe (NDGA) – x1
Res Grand Senior Doe (NDGA) – x1
Best Udder – x6
1st place – x18

Kaapio Acres Rip Tide has a “sea” of show quality dairy genes, having both Scarlet and Parsley bloodlines. (CH/MCH/PGCH Gay-Mor B Lacewing’s Parsley is the 2007 National Grand Champion Sr. Doe. and CH/MCH/PGCH Kaapio Acre’s Red’s Scarlet earned her ADGA, AGS and NDGA Champion titles). LTE Bambusa, Bambi’s dam, was named Grand Champion Sr. Doe in Milk under both the ADGA and AGS judges at the 2008 Georgia Show. Bambusa is owned by Randy Repp of Little Tot’s Estates. His dam Bambi, is an ADGA Grand Champion, and his sire, Tidal Wave, is an ADGA and PGCH Grand Champion. In addition, he is one of the sweetest bucks I’ve ever met!

Rosasharn SP Jamaica +*B

Birth Date:4/29/07
Show Wins: 1 x Grand Champion Sr. Buck 1 x Reserve Grand Champion Sr. Buck, 3 x 1st

Sire: Rosasharn SW Sapporo *S ‘E’ +B
G.Sire: Doe-Sy-Doe’s FS Storm Warning
G.Dam:ARMCH Rosasharn’s Unagi 4*D ‘E’ 3*M

Dam: Rosasharn P Pensylvania 4*D, 3*M, VEEA 84
D.Sire: Doe-Sy-Doe’s Patte’n
D.Dam:ARMCH Rosasharn Tom’s Bit-A-Lilly 3*D 2*M

Little Tots Estate CVS Bacchus


DOB 2/8/13


Sire: Caesar’s Villa P Shamrock
G. Sire: Caesar’s Villa R Pinochle
S. Grandsire: 4 Fun Roulette
S. Granddam: Caesar’s Villa STS Penelope 3*D

G. Dam: Caesar’s Villa Sharons Delight 2*D
D. Grandsire:ARMCH Caesar’s Villa CBS Stetson ++*S
D.Granddam: Inavale Felicia

Dam: GCH/PGCH Little Tots Estate Abutilon 2*M
G. Sire:PGCH/MCH/GCH SM3Pines Juren’s Swell Foop +*B
S. Grandsire: Creek Road ENVOY +B
S. Granddam: Gay-mor Berry’s Jurrassic 1*M

G. Dam: Brush Creek Faithful 1*M
D. Grandsire: Willow Creek MacBeth2007
D. Granddam: Buttin” Heads Reason For Living


